Sunday, 3 June 2018

Head's Up - Your Monthly Update From The Headmaster
The Future

Over the course of the past months, it doesn’t seem to matter where I go, what I read or whom I talk to, the topic of ‘the future’ arises. I’ve been engaged in stimulating conversations with our faculty, with our parents, and with our students. Out of these chats, there have been several consistent themes.


Often times, the conversation about ‘the future’ starts with technology, coding, artificial intelligence and STEM. In these spaces, I am reassured that at Rundle, we are on the right track. Evidence of these future-ready engagements come in the form of the c.Lab offerings and in the implementation of Global Online Academy at the College Senior High. I also see our technology integrators exploring 3D printing, laser cutting, and augmented reality. We see it in the vibrant maker spaces that are expanding each and every day. I also see our students exploring and succeeding in academics as a co-curricular pursuit. After some deep reflection, I can see that if Rundle is not leading the pack, we are certainly in stride with the world around us.


Another place the topic of ‘the future’ takes us is to emotional well being. The omnipresence of technology is our new reality, and as result, we are needing to adapt. Part of this adaptation is a consideration of our individual and collective emotional wellbeing. As these dialogues turn back to Rundle, I again think of some of the work we are doing and feel confident we are heading down the right track. Examples of Rundle’s commitment to our community’s wellbeing can be seen in the Emotional Wellness Task Force, in strong student leadership, and in an ongoing focus on student services support. Furthermore, wellness is at the core of our current strategic plan and lives in the pillar, “Happy to Be Here.” As we enter the 2018-2019 school year, we will be reaching out to the parent body to engage with us on this important journey. We will be looking to have discussions about demonstrations of learning, demonstrations of resilience, enhancing executive function, and allowing students to settle their own agitated nervous systems. I acknowledge that we are just scratching the surface of this essential topic but remain excited that we are on the journey together towards wellness.


In these conversations, it doesn’t take long for us to leap to ‘the future’ of Rundle’s facilities. It is exciting to see the imminent changes with the Rundle Academy Moving Walls project. In just a few short weeks, the Rundle Academy community has raised nearly 50% of their target. If you want to hear more about the staff’s involvement, feel free to listen to what IDEO has to say about the project or what the staff and students have to say about designing their spaces. We would like to thank the entire community for their ongoing generosity. In addition to the Moving Walls Campaign, we are also anticipating the development of an exciting space at the Conklin School called ‘The Learning Studio @ Rundle.’ I am going to spare the details here, but I look forward to its reveal in the fall of 2018. I would also like to mention that our board has been working very hard on the behalf of our community to look well beyond the next five years and into the foreseeable future. There have been wonderfully generative conversations that may eventually result in some exciting developments for all of our students in Rundle College Society. It is clear that Rundle remains agile and committed to creating future-ready environments for our teachers to teach in and our students to learn in.

Character and Connections

Although these conversations almost always start with technology, then to emotional wellbeing, then on to spaces, the conversations almost always end with a similar theme: personal connection and character. It is in strong relationships where Rundle will continue to find success in the future. We see the fabric of this as we observe Grade 6 and 12 students work as buddies at the Academy, or when we see our College program connect with Calgary’s Dementia Friendly Communities, or when we see our WEB program welcome new Grade 7s to our school. We are also seeing these character connections happen as the Academy and the College students continue to support each other through drama productions, the arts, rugby, football and volunteerism. In fact, you’ll hear this theme come through in a recent conversation I had with one of our Grade 7 students!  Finally, we see it when our teachers talk about the idea of ‘R+’ and what it means to them and to the young men and women in their care. I stand proud with our community as I know we are leading in this area and, as such, the students in our care are extremely well equipped to face the uncertainties of what the future holds.


Jason B. Rogers
In this edition of the Head’s Up, you will find:
  • Alberta Education Curriculum Update
  • Rundle 365: Summer Camps at Rundle
  • On the Shelf
  • Head’s Up: The Podcast (new episodes)
Draft K–4 Provincial Curriculum Development: 
Spring 2018 Parent and Guardian Information Sessions

Alberta Education is working with the Alberta School Councils’ Association, the Association of Independent Schools and Colleges, Fédération des parents francophones de l’Alberta, and the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia to gather parent and guardian feedback on the draft K–4 provincial curriculum.

Twenty (20) face-to-face meetings will be held in communities across Alberta from May 31 to June 15, 2018. Each session is limited to 100 participants. Confirmed registrants will be notified by email with additional information, including the session agenda and event details.

For more information about the sessions available in your area, or to register for an upcoming session, please visit the Alberta School Councils’ Association website.
Rundle 365: Summer Camps at Rundle

Summer is fast approaching and our SPORT & STEAM camps are filling up! For added flexibility, we are now offering both half-day and full-day camps. Space is limited in our STEAM camps, so be sure to sign up soon. Details found here. 

Camps are open to all children entering Grades 1-7 in any school in the fall so feel free to share our camp brochure with families outside of the Rundle Community.  

If you have any questions about the camps or the offerings, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact Laurel Adolphe (
On The Shelf

This month’s selections are a few of my favorite podcasts:

Revisionist History by Malcolm Gladwell
WorkLife with Adam Grant
10% Happier with Dan Harris
Head’s Up - The Podcast

Feature Episodes:
If you are interested in giving it a listen, go to the Apple Podcast Store and search, “Head’s Up” (include the apostrophe) and you will see this image pop up.  Feel free to give it a listen and provide me with any feedback you might have.

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